Emergency: Flood Resources and map of closed roads

St. Louis County office buildings will be closed Thursday, July 4, and will re-open Friday.

Federal Labor & Construction Standards



Federal Labor & Construction Standards

Davis Bacon and Related Acts, Section 3 and Build America, Buy America (BABA) are federal regulations that pertain to most of the construction projects funded with HUD entitlement programs such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). Click the links below to learn more about each program. 

Davis Bacon and Related Acts

Section 3

Section 3 encourages developers and contractors to give opportunities to low-income workers, especially those that live in/near the project. The regulations apply to all construction projects initiated by a Public Housing Authority, and they apply to other construction projects that have more than $200,000 of CDBG, HOME, or ESG funds. 

Learn More About Section 3 

St. Louis County Section 3 Plan 

Link to HUD Section 3 Page 

Important Documents to Comply with Section 3

Form 1011a – Form for workers to certify themselves as Section 3 Workers (for Public Housing Projects only) 

Form 1011b – Form for workers to certify themselves as Section 3 Workers (for all other projects) 

Form 1012a – Form for contractors to understand & specify their goals for Section 3 (for Public Housing Projects only) 

Form 1012b – Form for contractors to understand & specify their goals for Section 3 (for all other projects) 

Form 1014 – Form for reporting Section 3 accomplishments at project’s end 

Build America Buy America Act (BABA)

Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) requires any “infrastructure project” with “Federal Financial Assistance” (FFA) to apply a domestic content procurement preference, meaning that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the infrastructure project have been produced in the United States, unless the awarding agency has issued a waiver of this requirement. This is called the “Buy American Preference” (BAP).

All St. Louis County subrecipients using CDBG, ESG, or HOME funds for their construction projects must adhere to the BAP requirements. Subrecipients must be able to provide documentation certifying compliance with BAP according to HUD’s implementation schedule. Refer to HUD’s webpage Build America, Buy America (BABA) | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for information on what is BABA, how it applies, what waivers are available, and more.