St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed December 25 and January 1 (regular hours other days.) Happy Holidays everyone! 

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Americans with Disabilities Act / 504 Compliance


Meeting Federal Standards


The U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is engaged in an Americans with Disabilities (ADA) compliance program labeled Project Civic Access.  The Project Civil Access program is an informational and educational effort by the federal government to assist states, counties, and municipalities to understand and meet the ADA regulations. All government buildings, employment policies, safety & law enforcement practices, communication methods, web sites, polling places, and curbs/sidewalks/roadways that serve the public must comply with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.  

In October, 2004, St. Louis County was selected at random to participate in this program. The DOJ and public entities negotiate, and ultimately agree upon a process for compliance with the ADA.  This agreement outlines the changes in policies, procedures, and physical alteration that must be implemented.  Major items have a two year completion schedule, moderate items have a one year schedule, and minor items have a three month schedule.  The term of the agreement, including reporting requirements, is three years.  St. Louis County signed the settlement agreement in July, 2005, and was the first public agency in the State of Minnesota certified as ADA compliant as of July, 2009.

Press Release:

St. Louis County Achieves ADA Compliance Certification - July 31, 2009 

  • Building Accessibility
    • New Construction
    • Alterations
    • Existing Facilities 
    • Programs in Other Facilities 
  • Curbs, Sidewalks, and Roadways:
    All County facilities curbs, roadways, and sidewalks available for use by the general the public and owned by the County are in full compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). With over 3,000 miles of roadways spread out over 9,000 square miles - this is no small task.  The County and the US - DOJ partnered to draft a settlement agreement to include physical inspections by teams of US-DOJ staff and County staff for review of all roads and sidewalks installed since 1990. The County worked with the US-DOJ to create a schedule that would allow for budgeting and implementation of the compliance process. 
  • Employment Policy:
    St. Louis County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended (ADAAA). The County is an equal opportunity and veteran-friendly employer.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, sexual orientation, status with regard to public assistance, disability, genetic information, veteran status or activity in a local human rights commission or any other characteristic protected by law.
  • Grievance Procedure under The Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
    This Grievance Procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits by the County. The County Policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation governs employment-related complaints of disability discrimination.
  • Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
    In accordance with the requirements of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the County will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in the County services, programs, or activities.
  • Polling Places:
    All polling places owned by St. Louis County are ADAAA accessible.  For a complete list of polling places, contact the St. Louis County Auditor's Office.
  • Safety and Law Enforcement Practices:
    St. Louis County Sheriff's Department Policy Statement Regarding Effective Communication With People Who Are Deaf Or Hard Of Hearing.
  • Website Accessibility Policy:
    Saint Louis County makes all reasonable efforts to ensure this web site is accessible to all users. We strive to meet the accessibility standards required of Federal government web sites and the Priority One accessibility guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Read more...