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Farm & Field


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St. Louis County offers a variety of programs for the agricultural community. Consumer and commercial technical assistance is provided to farmers and growers. For information contact the Extension Office in Virginia at 218-471-7120 

Interested in a summer internship?

University of Minnesota Extension and St. Louis County are now accepting applications for summer Agricultural and Natural Resources internships!
This is a paid internship and offers undergraduate students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience working alongside Extension educators. Interns will contribute to meaningful projects that help bridge the gap between scientific research and community application. Click here to learn more and apply!

Forage Education

Forage and hay production is a major crop for St. Louis County. County Extension works locally with programs that benefit producers, livestock and increase forage production. Extension partners with Northeast Forage and Livestock Association to host local educational events and organize Field Days that allows participants to take pasture tours and learn about innovations other producers are adapting.

University of Minnesota Extension

Information on Crops, Livestock, Food, Agricultural Business Management and Commercial Horticulture.


Duluth Office

Virginia Office

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