4-H Youth Development: Let's Talk About Disability Series
Let's Talk About Disability is a virtual five session series designed to provide a safe place for youth in grades 6-12 to have important conversations about disability and learn to be better allies to those in the disability community. Youth will be able to connect, share and hear from 4-H youth, ambassadors and alumni in a safe and supportive environment facilitated by their peers. Online sessions will be held via Zoom from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday evenings from February 27 through March 27.
For more 4-H events, club meetings, and classes visit the Duluth and Virginia calendar pages!
Gardening, Agriculture & Natural Resources
Apple Tree Pruning Workshop
March 13, 2025

1 - 3 pm
Morgan Park Community Center (1242 88th Ave W Duluth)
Learn about the fundamentals of pruning dormant apple trees in this hands-on workshop. We'll cover pruning techniques, decision-making, and best practices for tool care. We will have some tools available, but you are encouraged to bring your own pruning shears, loppers, and hand saws if you have them. Be prepared for a session of active learning!
Program will be indoors and outdoors, so participants should dress for the weather!
Questions? Contact Freya Thurmer at 507-841-1920.
Interested in a summer internship?
University of Minnesota Extension and St. Louis County are now accepting applications for summer Agricultural and Natural Resources internships!
This is a paid internship and offers undergraduate students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience working alongside Extension educators. Interns will contribute to meaningful projects that help bridge the gap between scientific research and community application.
Click here to learn more and apply!
Gardening at the Library Series
Ready to get your hands dirty? Or at least, your gardening gloves? Extension Master Gardeners are offering free virtual classes covering a variety of home gardening topics from spring to fall this year!
Classes take place on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm.
To participate online, visit
duluthlibrary.org. Go to Events and then Calendar on the Library website to register.
March 6 |
Seven Garden Hacks - Do They Work? |
April 3 |
Growing Vegetables for Everyone |
May 8 |
Principles and Design for Residential Pollinator Habitat |
Spring Gardening Extravaganza
March 29, 2025
9 am to 4 pm
The Depot in downtown Duluth
Better Gardens for a Better Life
An integrated approach to gardening your way to better health and happiness
Keynote speakers will focus on designing gardens for better health, a gardener's guide to the human microbiome, gardening for flexibility and exercise, gardening success through soil fertility, principles of garden design, and more!
Attendees will be able to choose from 14 workshops covering a wide range of topics including houseplants, pruning trees, and growing garlic and cauliflower.
The day includes lunch and refreshments, and SGE reference book.
$40 per person
Spring Gardening Spectacular
April 3, 2025
9 am
Mt. Iron Community Center
Great Gardening in Northern Minnesota
Gardening your way to a healthier, happier life
A wide variety of gardening topics will be featured at this full day gardening event in Mountain Iron.
The day includes lunch and refreshments, and resource materials.
$30 per person
Curious about growing cannabis?
University of Minnesota and St. Louis County Extension recognizes the significant interest among area residents in the topic of growing cannabis at home, which is legal in Minnesota with some important restrictions.
Scan the
QR code to take the survey where you can share your preferred class times, locations and what you'd like to learn about growing cannabis at home. Sign up for our
email list for cannabis related programming and information.