St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed January 1 (regular hours other days.) Happy Holidays everyone!
Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093
The Land and Minerals Department manages State Tax-Forfeited Trust Lands for the sustained benefit of our citizens.
If you are looking for information on land use, planning or zoning, visit:
Economic & Community Development
Planning & Zoning
The mission of the St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department is to promote, enhance and protect St. Louis County Tax Forfeited Trust lands by providing professional expertise in the use of sound land management principles for:
The Department is dedicated to long-term management of the Tax Forfeited Trust for the economic, social and ecological benefit of the people of St. Louis County. The Land and Minerals Department's vision hinges on the concept of sustainability.
In other words, protecting the natural environment while enhancing economic opportunity and community well-being.
The vision of St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department is to provide the optimum combination of benefits from tax forfeited trust lands through leadership and a commitment to a standard of excellence in the management of the Tax Forfeited Trust Lands for the people of St. Louis County.
Management of an enterprise fund of this nature requires fiduciary responsibility, innovation, and flexibility to accomplish our core function successfully.
Land & Minerals Duluth
Phone: 218-726-2606 Fax: 218-726-2600 Email
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