St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, February 17th, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. 

Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


Gravel Sales


Contractor Gravel Permits and Leases

All contractors or sub-contractors operating on Tax Forfeited land must have appropriate training, experience, and certification to conduct the work activities that are the subject of the contract. Gravel Permits are issued to contractors from our Land & Minerals Department located in Pike Lake (Duluth), Virginia, Cook, and Ely. Permit fees do apply. Checks made payable to: 'St. Louis County Auditor'.

Gravel Leases: PLEASE BE AWARE

Pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 282.04, Subdivision 1 (d), as directed by the county board, the county auditor may lease Tax Forfeited land to individuals for the removal of gravel. Leases involving more than $50,000 shall first be offered at public sale. This can add four to six weeks to the approval process! Please submit your request as soon as possible to avoid delays. Questions regarding Gravel Leases, please call your local Area Office listed below:

Gravel Lease Application

For North Area and South Area projects, please contact Mike Stubbs: 218-742-9898.


In order to use equipment in the gravel pits managed by the Land & Minerals Department, contractors must complete the following (4) four steps, annually, in order to remain on the Responsible Operators List (ROL):

STEP 1: Application Form

Step 1: Application Form
An operator may be removed from the ROL due to poor performance or contract violation. The ROL needs to be updated annually by the contractor. Existing contractors established on the ROL fill out the ROL Application Update Form. New contractors fill out the ROL New Contractor Application Form.

STEP 2: Complete the Online Gravel Training Pre-Work

Step 2: Complete the Online Gravel Training Session

Please print off the questions at the end and send us your answers via postal mail, email, fax, or drop off at the Contract Administrator's office. 

Contractor Pre-Work Session Online Module

If you need additional help to complete the training please contact Pike Lake at 218-625-3700 or Virginia 218-742-9898

STEP 3 & STEP 4: Liability Insurance & Worker's Comp Form

Step 3 and Step 4: Liability Insurance & Worker's Comp Form

All contractors or sub-contractors must carry liability insurance and meet Minnesota Workers' Compensation Law requirements. A Certificate of Liability Insurance must be submitted and updated yearly for the Responsible Operators List (ROL).

Contractors will need (at minimum):

a)  $1M for General and $1M Automobile

b)  $300,000 for all other occurrences

c)  $2M for Aggregate

d)  Workers Comp

Gravel Sales - Non-Contractors

Gravel Authorizations
Gravel permits are issued to citizens who wish to obtain pit run out of the bank gravel from our Tax Forfeited gravel pit locations. No material may be taken from any existing stockpiles or sorted material areas within the approved pit. No heavy equipment may be used, and the gravel must be hand loaded by shovel only. The permit limit is not to exceed 10 cubic yards and is valid for a maximum of 30 days. Please contact your local Land & Minerals Office for further information to obtain a permit. Permit Fee is $20 and can be paid by check or money order made payable to: "St. Louis County Auditor".


Land & Minerals Duluth
Phone: 218-726-2606
Fax: 218-726-2600

Pike Lake Area Office
Phone: 218-625-3700
Fax: 218-625-3733

Virginia Area Office
Phone: 218-742-9898
Fax: 218-742-9870

Cook Area Office
Phone: 218-361-7916

Fax: 218-666-6018

Ely Area Office
Phone: 218-365-8230
Fax: 218-365-8230


All Contacts

Revenue Generated
