To be eligible to purchase a St. Louis County Over-the-Counter Timber Sale, a Responsible Operators Application Form must be on file with the Land and Minerals Dept. and past due accounts must be made current. To operate on St. Louis County Lands, a Responsible Operators Application Form and a Certificate of Compliance with Minnesota Workers' Compensation Law must be completed and on file at the St. Louis County Land & Minerals Department, Government Services Building, 320 West 2nd Street, Suite 302, Duluth, MN 55802.
The Responsible Operators List is updated annually. To stay on the Responsible Operators List, the Responsible Operators Application Update Form must be filled out each year and returned to the Land & Minerals Department at the above address.
To operate on county managed land, loggers must complete training in a recognized logger training program. The organizations that provide logger training in this area are the Minnesota Logger Education Program (MLEP) (MLEP Training Requirements) and the Forest Industry Safety & Training Alliance Inc.
All contractors operating on St. Louis County Tax Forfeited Lands are required to complete a Contractor Pre-Work Session (note: you must be able to print the Certificate of Completion). Upon successful completion of the E-Training, present the Certificate of Completion to the contract administrator.
The timber sales listed below were previously offered at public auction and did not sell and are now available over the counter, first come, first served.
Please call the Area Office listed after the sale if you have any questions:
Virginia Area Telephone Number - (218) 742-9898
Cook Field Office Telephone Number - (218) 361-2079
Ely Field Office Telephone Number - (218) 365-8230
Pike Lake Area Telephone Number - (218) 625-3700
The expiration date for contracts purchased over the counter will be set to mirror the duration advertised at auction.