St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, February 17th, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. 

Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


Substance Use and Recovery


Seeking Help or Treatment

Minnesota’s Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment system is changing to Direct Access.  The goal of Direct Access is to allow for faster access into care/treatment services.  As of October 1, 2020, we entered the “Parallel Process” of Direct Access, which gives individuals a choice to receive services from a County/Tribe or go directly to a treatment provider to receive a comprehensive assessment and initiate treatment services. Effective July 1, 2022, comprehensive assessments will replace the Rule 25 assessments, and the Rule 25 process will no longer be available. 

Assessments- Rule 25 /Comprehensive Assessments

This is the process where a trained individual assesses the individual to determine whether they need substance use disorder treatment services.  Currently income eligible individuals who reside in St. Louis County can contact the Substance Use Disorder Unit to schedule an assessment. Contact information is: 

St. Louis County Intake:

Pending federal approval, individuals will be able to go directly to a treatment provider for an assessment, and to initiate treatment services. 

Rule 24 treatment funding Behavioral Health Fund

Treatment funding is available to income eligible individuals who reside in St. Louis County and have completed either a Rule 25 or comprehensive assessment.  Individuals in need of treatment funding can call the SUD Intake line at 218-725-5260 to apply for funding. 

Treatment Coordination

Individuals with SUD often experience needs in other life areas (e.g. medical, mental health, family, employment, criminal justice, housing, finances), and treatment coordination addresses these issues concurrently to improve treatment outcomes. Treatment coordination is a treatment service involving the deliberate, collaborative planning of SUD services with the client and other professionals involved in the client’s care.  The St. Louis County SUD Unit provides this service. Treatment coordination includes:

  • Assistance in coordination with significant others to help in the treatment planning process
  • Assistance in coordination with and follow-up for medical services as identified in the treatment plan
  • Facilitation of referrals to substance use disorder services as indicated by the client’s medical provider, comprehensive assessment, or treatment plan
  • Facilitation of referrals to mental health services as identified by a client’s comprehensive assessment or treatment plan
  • Assistance with referrals to economic assistance, social services, housing resources, and prenatal care according to the client’s needs
  • Life skills advocacy and support accessing treatment follow-up, disease management, and education services, including referral and linkages to long-term services and supports as needed

Civil Commitment

Minnesota Statute 253B.07 - 253B.09, 253B.17

Civil Commitment Process:

  1. Request is made for a civil commitment from treating physician (typically the person is hospitalized).
  2. Screening team gathers information and will screen the individual.
  3. If criteria are met for a commitment, the screening team works to file the petition for a commitment.
  4. The court will ultimately decide if a commitment is warranted.
  5. If committed, the individual is committed to the Commissioner of the Department of Human Services and requesting hospital, but will receive case management from St. Louis County.

Social Media


Phone: 218-725-5260

Erin Bolton
Phone: 218-726-2188


All contacts