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Working to protect and improve children's mental health

Working to protect and improve children's mental health

WHEREAS, Addressing the complex mental health needs of children, youth, and families today is fundamental to the future of St. Louis County...


So begins the proclamation by the St. Louis County Board declaring May 4, 2017 as Children's Mental Health Awareness Day.


WHEREAS, Children’s mental health is a serious problem affecting every segment of our community, state, and country, and finding solutions requires input and action from everyone...

Childrens Mental Health Day proclamation

Briefing commissioners on the work that is being done to serve children (and their families) affected by mental health disorders, were staff from both social services and public health, who spoke in person and via web cam. 


Brandie Webb, a social services supervisor, provided the following facts:


  • Children and Family Services served a total of 7058 children in 2016
  • Children’s Mental Health Social Workers  (8 Social Workers) served 389 in 2016
  • Children and Family Services offers numerous voluntary programs dedicated solely to prevention of child maltreatment and promotion of family wellbeing. These include: Parent Support Outreach Services, Children’s Mental Health, Family Support Services, Intensive Family Based Services, and Minor Parent. They are specifically voluntary, transparent, at work to meet people where they are at without judgement, and intend to be directed by the parent. Prevention Services are partnerships with families and communities, that invest in healthier happier children.
  • Public Health and Human Services works closely with community partners to address the raising mental health needs of our communities. Examples include: Iron Range Mental Health Task Force, Iron Range Youth Behavioral Health Task Force, Ely Area Council on Mental Health, Northern Family Services Collaborative, the Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative, and Northland Children’s Mental Health Collaborative.


Studies have shown that as many as one in five children, nationwide, experience a serious emotional disturbance in a year. That means in St. Louis County, home to 39,000 children (2014 numbers), as many as 7,800 kids experienced a serious emotional disturbance in the last year. And that’s just in our county. These are kids in our neighborhoods and schools. 


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the St. Louis County Board recognizes that promoting mental health wellness is everyone’s job, and declares its continued commitment to the collaboration between St. Louis County staff and all community partners in this effort and hereby proclaims May 4, 2017, as CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS DAY in St. Louis County and urges all citizens to work together to take action to support prevention and treatment of mental health conditions.

