Housing Stabilization Services Housing Stabilization Services is a Medical Assistance (MA) benefit that helps people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing. It is for people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, at risk of institutionalization, or living in an institution or some types of group settings, including ICF-DDs, nursing facilities, Adult Foster Care, and Board and Lodge. For more information on HSS and how to find out if you might qualify, please follow this link: https://mn.hb101.org/a/47/ Housing Stabilization Services providers in Southern St. Louis County Provider Contact Notes Arc Northland Karel Hedstrom khedstrom@arcnorthland.org Accepting referrals as capacity allows. Email Karel Hedstrom for info. Northstar Community Services Stacey Nordby 218-542-4078 Stacey@northstarcommunityservices.com Oak Tree Services mpreferral@mprofessionals.net Email for a referral form/packet Residential Services Inc. (RSI) of Northeastern Minnesota Joel Longtine 218-740-7614 Serves people with disabilities in southern St. Louis and Carlton counties. Tender Love and Care of Duluth Ryan Underwood ryan.underwood@tlcofduluth.com 218-724-3640 x107 Focus on serving people with disabilities who want to live independently in the community, but will work with those outside that criteria. Global Health Link Diana Mendez 612-333-0307 referrals@globalhealthlinkinc.com or diana@globalhealthlinkinc.com Or contact jennifer@globalhealthlinkinc.com Housing Stabilization Services providers in Northern St. Louis County Provider Contact Notes Arc Northland Karel Hestrom khedstrom@arcnorthland.org Accepting referrals as capacity allows. Email Karel Hedstrom for info. Print 4457