Each meeting will include time for discussion on issues related to children and adult mental health. Since there will be a lot to discuss and share, the LAC will need to meet many times throughout the year. There typically are nine monthly meetings throughout the year, and it is important that members of the LAC make most of the meetings. The meetings generally last 1.5 hours and food is served when the meetings are in person.
Meetings are held in locations that are accessible to persons with physical disabilities. The south group meets from 5-6:30 p.m. at the St. Louis County Government Services Center in Duluth, as well as virtually. The north group meets from 4:30-6 p.m. at the St. Louis County Government Services Center in Virginia, as well as virtually.
We do not want transportation or expenses to be a barrier to participation. We will offer a financial stipend to LAC members who are non-professionals. If transportation support is needed, we are happy to discuss that with you.