Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


Economic Services & Supports


New Document Upload Feature!

Our Public Assistant department can now accept documents online! CLICK HERE to give it a try. The link for this feature will be permanently located in the righthand column on this page.


Renewals starting for Medical Assistance Recipients

Everyone who receives Medical Assistance will need to complete a renewal packet within the next year. If you have moved in the past three years or you will be moving soon, update your contact information to ensure you get your packet. You can expect to get renewal forms about two months before the month you originally applied for health insurance. For example, if you applied in December, your MA renewal forms will be mailed to you in October. Return the requested materials by the deadline to prevent losing your coverage. Follow the instructions included in the packet for how to submit it.

If you want to know when your renewal is, you can:
For more information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions, visit
If you need help completing the renewal packet, there are trained Navigators who can assist you. Find local help here: Help from a Navigator / MNsure.
Mailbox image regarding health insurance renewals

The Economic Services & Supports Division consists of two departments:  Child Support & Public Assistance.

The Child Support Department's role is to promote parental responsibility so children receive the financial support of both parents.  St Louis County Child Support helps families become and remain self-sufficient through the collection of support.

The Public Assistance Department administers many state and federal programs that provide aid for those in need.  Different types of assistance include programs that help with medical care, food, child care, and shelter assistance.


Public Health and Human Services

Mission:  to protect, promote and improve the health and quality of life in St Louis County
Vision:  a community where all people are safe and healthy.

Minnesota Region 3 Brochure
How to Use Northern Minnesota Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Services
MN GMR Trip Log 2019 (Microsoft Word Document)
Reimbursement Trip Log for 2019
MTM Minnesota Postcard
A postcard for MTM services



