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2022 NOFA Information

 TitleModified DateDownloadCreated Date
DRAFT PH FY2022 Project Score Tool
DRAFT RRH-TH FY2022 Project Score Tool
Final Fund Packages FY2022
FY2022 CoC NOFO Collaborative Application
Additional Files:
FY2022 Continuum of Care Intent to Apply & Threshold Assessment
FY2022 Full CoC HUD Notice of Funding Opportunity Published 08/01/2022
FY2022 Grant inventory Worksheet
FY2022 Grant inventory Worksheet
FY2022 Info Session Materials 08112022
Additional Files:
FY2022 Local/Supplemental CoC Application (Due 08/30)
Additional Files:
FY2022 Project Ranking (Final)
The Ranking & Review Committee met on 09/08/2022 & 09/09/2022 to review applications and project ranking. Our Ranking & Review Committee was comprised of a diverse set of 14 reviewers from across the CoC’s geography. With the HUD requirement of 95% of the CoC’s Annual Renewal Demand in Tier 1 and 5% in Tier 2, this means$171, 494 of our renewal demand must be placed in Tier 2. This left the committee with the difficult work of determining what 5% of our CoC funding is at risk of cuts from HUD in the FY2022 CoC NOFO competition. The initial scoring factored in financial compliance, project performance based on Annual Performance reports, and review of CoC Supplemental Applications that detailed policies on domestic violence policies, racial equity, cultural responsiveness, and evidence-based practices for all applicants. After the initial score-based ranking was compiled, Bois Forte Tribal Nation’s New Moon project, AEOA’s Bill’s House Project, and Range Mental Health Center’s Ivy Manor Project all fell completely in Tier 2. Additionally, a portion of CHUM’s Rapid Rehousing Project fell in Tier 2.  The CoC & the members of the Ranking & review Committee acknowledge that these are all essential, life-saving services across our CoC and that it is difficult to put any of them at risk of losing funding in final review with HUD.
Given the high number of Northern St. Louis County Projects in Tier 2, the committee discussed many scenarios of being able to protect some of this funding. Ultimately, the committee chose to reorder the initial project ranking to protect the Bois Forte New Moon Permanent Supportive Housing project from cuts. This decision was made 1) to honor tribal sovereignty and protect our only tribally funded CoC project, 2) to protect a key rural resource for families experiencing homelessness, 3) to ensure we continue to support culturally relevant and specific programming in alignment with our CoC funding priorities and the clear need shown in racial disparities in our CoC, 4)  Bois Forte scored competitively with other grants and was much closer to Tier 1 then any of the other projects falling in Tier 2, and 5) finally to minimize impact on other higher scoring projects. The committee discussed many ways to protect funding for AEOA’s Bill’s House, CHUM’s Rapid Rehousing Project, and RMHC’s Ivy Manor project, but ultimately determined that any additional reordering would have posed too much funding burden on higher scoring projects. This decision does put more of CHUM’s Rapid Rehousing funding into Tier 2, but not the entire project. We acknowledge this puts CHUM at risk for cuts to the Rapid Rehousing project and hope that by straddling Tier 1 & Tier 2 with this project, we will protect as much funding as possible for CHUM as well. Despite the efforts to preserve as much funding as possible, AEOA’s Bill’s House & RMHC’s Ivy Manor Project still fell completely below Tier 2 and are also at risk of cuts in final review from HUD.
Please note that HUD required 5% of our Annual Renewal Demand to fall into Tier 2 this year. Tier 2 funds are not protected and could see cuts from HUD. This was not decision reached lightly and the CoC is committed to working with any projects that see funding cuts to preserve services as much as possibly with other funding streams and creative collaboration.
LOI for New Applicants for FY2022 NOFO & Special NOFO
New projects for FY2022  must submit their Letter of Intent by 5pm on August 15th, 2022 and project applicants for the & Special NOFO funds must submit their LOI(s) by 5pm on August 22nd, 2022. Your project will not be eligible to apply in the FY2022 or Special NOFO competition if you do not submit this form by the deadline.  Please complete the proposed project overview and review each of the following ranking categories, marking those questions that apply to your project. Please submit the completed form and requested attachments to St. Louis County Homeless Program Unit at (
Public Notice: FY2022 NOFO Call for New & Renewal Applications
Public Notice: FY2022 NOFO Information Session
On Thursday, August 11th, 2022, St. Louis County Continuum of Care (MN-509) will host a public information session on the FY2022 HUD CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process. This session will be hosted via Microsoft Teams and is open to the public (meeting details below). This session will provide details on the local grant competition for new and renewal funds and provide information about HUD funding priorities. If you are unable to attend this session, but would still like to receive information on this funding opportunity, please contact St. Louis County Continuum of Care Coordinator, Courtney Cochran (she/her) at Please also reach out to Courtney with any questions on this session. Meeting Details: Thursday, July 14th from 9am to 10:30am via Microsoft Teams
Sample MOU from HUD
This template for MOUs from the HUD Minneapolis Field Office can be used for Healthcare, Housing Leverage, and PHA partnership documentation required throughout the FY2022 & Special NOFO. 
SLC CoC Ranking & Review Policy (Published 2021)
This is the policy that governs the SLC CoC local grant process and includes information on project scoring, ranking, and reallocation. 
Timeline for the FY2022 NOFO