2023 NOFA Information

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CoC NOFO Key Glossary Terms
This document contains definitions of key terms that you may encounter in the process of applying for HUD CoC funds. Ex. Housing first, culturally responsive care, etc.
SLC CoC HUD FY2023 NOFO Info and Q&A Powerpoint
SLC CoC FY2023 NOFO Timeline
This timeline outlines all of the steps and deadlines for applying for new &/or renewal funding in the in the FY2023 CoC NOFO competition in Duluth/St. Louis County CoC.
Public Notice: Call for Applications for the FY2023 CoC NOFO
This public notice outlines all application information for funding in the FY2023 CoC NOFO in Duluth/St. Louis County CoC.
PSH NOFA Project Scoring & Ranking Criteria
Description: This tool shows the scoring criteria for all permanent supportive housing projects applying for new/renewal funds in the FY2023 CoC NOFO competition in Duluth/St. Louis county CoC.
Office Hours Notice
SLC CoC is hosting weekly FY 2023 NOFO Office hours for technical assistance, project questions, etc. Hosted weekly via Microsoft Teams. Please email CoCHomelessPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.gov to receive the link. 2-3pm, Wednesdays July 19th, 2023-August 30th, 2023.
NOFO Public Info Session Notes
Description: This document contains notes from the Duluth/St. Louis County CoC public information session hosted on July 19th, 2023 to outline all requirements for application for new/renewal funds in the FY2023 NOFO.
New Project Letter of Intent to Apply
This is the template for new project Letter of Intent to apply, which is due to the CoC by email to cochomelessprograms@stlouiscountymn.gov by August 3. This is extended from the original deadline of July 28th.
TH/RRH NOFA Project Scoring Ranking Criteria
This tool shows the scoring criteria for all transitional housing & rapid Rehousing projects applying for new/renewal funds in the FY2023 CoC NOFO competition in Duluth/St. Louis County CoC.
HUD FY2023 NOFO Published COPY
This is a copy of the full Fy2023 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity published by HUD on July 5th, 2023.
FY2023 Local Application SLC CoC
This is the Duluth/St. Louis County CoC Local/Supplemental application, which must be complete and submitted via email to CoCHomelessPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.gov by August 8th to be eligible for funding consideration.
FY2023 Justification of Funding Decision
This document details the FY2023 Project scoring, reallocation, and ranking decisions prepared and approved by the CoC Ranking & Review Committee. These decisions were reviewed, discussed, and approved in a public meeting of the CoC governance board, The Heading Home Advisory Council on 08/24/2023.
FY2023 Final Ranking & Review
This document details the FY2023 Project scoring and ranking decisions prepared and approved by the CoC Ranking & Review Committee. These decisions were reviewed, discussed, and approved in a public meeting of the CoC governance board, The Heading Home Advisory Council on 08/24/2023.
FY2023 CoC NOFO Reallocation Report
This document details a history of returned funds in SLC CoC and reallocation recommendations prepared by the CoC Planning & Evaluation Committee and reviewed and approved by the CoC Ranking & Review Committee. These decision were reviewed, discussed, and approved in a public meeting of the CoC governance board, The Heading Home Advisory Council on 08/24/2023.
FY2023 CoC NOFO Public Information Session Notice
Description: Information for the July 19th, 2023 Public Information Session on the FY2023 NOFO is enclosed here. This session will provide information on the HUD coemption as well as local deadlines for the Duluth/St. Louis County competition.
FY2023 CoC Grant Inventory Worksheet
This document contains approved funding and budget line items for renewal applicants for FY2023 CoC funds in Duluth/St. Louis County CoC.
FY2023 Bonus Funds & Extended Deadlines Notice
This notice includes details about the CoC & Domestic Violence Bonus funds in the FY2023 CoC NOFO and extended deadline information for new Project LOIs & eSnaps applications.
FY2023 NOFO Collaborative Application
The FY2023 NOFO Collaborative Application for MN-509: Duluth/St. Louis County CoC was finalized and approved by vote on 09/21/2023 by the CoC Governing Board—Heading Home Advisory Council. This application is open for public feedback prior to submission to HUD. All public feedback must be sent via email to CoCHomelessPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.gov or be communicated via phone to the CoC Coordinator, Courtney Cochran, who can be reached at (218) 725-5158. All public feedback must be submitted by Noon on Monday 09/25/2023.
Additional Files:
Updated Ranking & Review Policy
This policy was originally published in 2021 and updated through community feedback in 2023. All of the policies and procedures for the Duluth/St. Louis County CoC local CoC grant competition are outlined here, including appeals information.

2022 Special NOFO Information

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2022 CoC Special NOFO Call for Applications
Continuum of Care Supplemental to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness FR-6500-N-25S
DRAFT 2022 Special NOFO Score Tool
DRAFT 2022 Special NOFO Supplemental Application
LOI for New Applicants for FY2022 NOFO & Special NOFO
New projects for FY2022  must submit their Letter of Intent by 5pm on August 15th, 2022 and project applicants for the & Special NOFO funds must submit their LOI(s) by 5pm on August 22nd, 2022. Your project will not be eligible to apply in the FY2022 or Special NOFO competition if you do not submit this form by the deadline.  Please complete the proposed project overview and review each of the following ranking categories, marking those questions that apply to your project. Please submit the completed form and requested attachments to St. Louis County Homeless Program Unit at (CoCHomelessPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.gov).
Notes from 2022 Special NOFO Information Session
Additional Questions? Join us for CoC Office Hours!
Every Thursday from 11am to 12:30pm Via  Microsoft Teams
Email Courtney at cochranc@stlouiscountymn.gov for the meeting link.


Additional Files:
Notice of Public Meeting: Information Session on 2022 Special CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
On Thursday, July 14th, 2022, St. Louis County Continuum of Care (MN-509) will host a public information session on the 2022 HUD CoC Special Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process. This session will be hosted via Microsoft Teams and is open to the public (meeting details below). This session will provide details on this new funding opportunity targeting Rural & Unsheltered Homelessness from HUD. Please contact St. Louis County Continuum of Care Coordinator, Courtney Cochran (she/her) at cochranc@StLouisCountyMN.gov with any questions.
Meeting Details: Thursday, July 14th from 11am to 12:30pm via Microsoft Teams (See attachment for meeting link)
Sample MOU from HUD
This template for MOUs from the HUD Minneapolis Field Office can be used for Healthcare, Housing Leverage, and PHA partnership documentation required throughout the FY2022 & Special NOFO. 
SLC CoC Ranking & Review Policy (Published 2021)
This is the policy that governs the SLC CoC local grant process and includes information on project scoring, ranking, and reallocation. 
Special NOFO Collaborative Application
Full 2022 Special NOFO application submitted to HUD on behalf on Duluth/St. Louis County (MN-509) CoC.
Additional Files:
Special NOFO Final Score Tool
Special NOFO Local Application due 09/20
Special NOFO Project Ranking & Budgets
The Duluth/St. Louis County CoC (Mn-509) Ranking & Review Committee met on 09/26/2022 to review Special NOFO application and we had an amazing slate of applications. However, our CoC proposals came in at $550,976 over the maximum amount ($4,129,591) allowed by HUD in our budget. In review, any project with a proposed budget of $250,000 or less would not be feasible with a smaller budget. The committee reviewed each budget in detail and instead of choosing to reduce the lowest scoring project(s) by that amount, we are looking at the highest budget projects and asking you all to trim your budgets to help get us below this line. Please note that if this is not the approach we choose as CoC, the alternative would be to lower the budget of the lowest scoring project by $550,976. At this point, the lowest scoring project is Salvation Army’s Plover Place project, which would likely not be feasible with this large of a cut from the proposed budget. We do not rank Coordinated Entry, HMIS, or CoC Planning grants as we are required to fund these components of our CoC systems to keep the system running. The Ranking & review Committee is asking all project from the Stepping On Up team to work together to collectively trim a total $550,976 from the budgets of their projects. These projects also have the highest proposed budgets in our Special NOFO grant competition. This includes: CHUM’s Stepping On Up, Lutheran Social Services’ Walkways, Human Development Center’s Unsheltered Outreach, and Salvation Army’s Plover Place projects. Knowing that these agencies entered into this application process as partners with the spirit of collaboration versus competition, the CoC wanted to honor and encourage that by taking this approach. We trust that these agencies know their budgets best and the financial needs of the Stepping on Up Plan better than the CoC. These projects are asked thoughtfully consider if the project could continue successfully with a smaller budget. The Stepping On up applicants (listed above) have collaboratively reviewed their budgets and resubmitted proposed budgets. The attached Project Ranking & Budget shows the revised budgets amounts, which has been tentatively approved. This was approved by Heading Home Advisory Council—the CoC Governance Board on 10/11/2022.
Timeline for the 2022 Special NOFO

2022 NOFA Information

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DRAFT PH FY2022 Project Score Tool
DRAFT RRH-TH FY2022 Project Score Tool
Final Fund Packages FY2022
FY2022 CoC NOFO Collaborative Application
Additional Files:
FY2022 Continuum of Care Intent to Apply & Threshold Assessment
FY2022 Full CoC HUD Notice of Funding Opportunity Published 08/01/2022
FY2022 Grant inventory Worksheet
FY2022 Grant inventory Worksheet
FY2022 Info Session Materials 08112022
Additional Files:
FY2022 Local/Supplemental CoC Application (Due 08/30)
Additional Files:
FY2022 Project Ranking (Final)
The Ranking & Review Committee met on 09/08/2022 & 09/09/2022 to review applications and project ranking. Our Ranking & Review Committee was comprised of a diverse set of 14 reviewers from across the CoC’s geography. With the HUD requirement of 95% of the CoC’s Annual Renewal Demand in Tier 1 and 5% in Tier 2, this means$171, 494 of our renewal demand must be placed in Tier 2. This left the committee with the difficult work of determining what 5% of our CoC funding is at risk of cuts from HUD in the FY2022 CoC NOFO competition. The initial scoring factored in financial compliance, project performance based on Annual Performance reports, and review of CoC Supplemental Applications that detailed policies on domestic violence policies, racial equity, cultural responsiveness, and evidence-based practices for all applicants. After the initial score-based ranking was compiled, Bois Forte Tribal Nation’s New Moon project, AEOA’s Bill’s House Project, and Range Mental Health Center’s Ivy Manor Project all fell completely in Tier 2. Additionally, a portion of CHUM’s Rapid Rehousing Project fell in Tier 2.  The CoC & the members of the Ranking & review Committee acknowledge that these are all essential, life-saving services across our CoC and that it is difficult to put any of them at risk of losing funding in final review with HUD.
Given the high number of Northern St. Louis County Projects in Tier 2, the committee discussed many scenarios of being able to protect some of this funding. Ultimately, the committee chose to reorder the initial project ranking to protect the Bois Forte New Moon Permanent Supportive Housing project from cuts. This decision was made 1) to honor tribal sovereignty and protect our only tribally funded CoC project, 2) to protect a key rural resource for families experiencing homelessness, 3) to ensure we continue to support culturally relevant and specific programming in alignment with our CoC funding priorities and the clear need shown in racial disparities in our CoC, 4)  Bois Forte scored competitively with other grants and was much closer to Tier 1 then any of the other projects falling in Tier 2, and 5) finally to minimize impact on other higher scoring projects. The committee discussed many ways to protect funding for AEOA’s Bill’s House, CHUM’s Rapid Rehousing Project, and RMHC’s Ivy Manor project, but ultimately determined that any additional reordering would have posed too much funding burden on higher scoring projects. This decision does put more of CHUM’s Rapid Rehousing funding into Tier 2, but not the entire project. We acknowledge this puts CHUM at risk for cuts to the Rapid Rehousing project and hope that by straddling Tier 1 & Tier 2 with this project, we will protect as much funding as possible for CHUM as well. Despite the efforts to preserve as much funding as possible, AEOA’s Bill’s House & RMHC’s Ivy Manor Project still fell completely below Tier 2 and are also at risk of cuts in final review from HUD.
Please note that HUD required 5% of our Annual Renewal Demand to fall into Tier 2 this year. Tier 2 funds are not protected and could see cuts from HUD. This was not decision reached lightly and the CoC is committed to working with any projects that see funding cuts to preserve services as much as possibly with other funding streams and creative collaboration.
LOI for New Applicants for FY2022 NOFO & Special NOFO
New projects for FY2022  must submit their Letter of Intent by 5pm on August 15th, 2022 and project applicants for the & Special NOFO funds must submit their LOI(s) by 5pm on August 22nd, 2022. Your project will not be eligible to apply in the FY2022 or Special NOFO competition if you do not submit this form by the deadline.  Please complete the proposed project overview and review each of the following ranking categories, marking those questions that apply to your project. Please submit the completed form and requested attachments to St. Louis County Homeless Program Unit at (CoCHomelessPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.gov).
Public Notice: FY2022 NOFO Call for New & Renewal Applications
Public Notice: FY2022 NOFO Information Session
On Thursday, August 11th, 2022, St. Louis County Continuum of Care (MN-509) will host a public information session on the FY2022 HUD CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process. This session will be hosted via Microsoft Teams and is open to the public (meeting details below). This session will provide details on the local grant competition for new and renewal funds and provide information about HUD funding priorities. If you are unable to attend this session, but would still like to receive information on this funding opportunity, please contact St. Louis County Continuum of Care Coordinator, Courtney Cochran (she/her) at cochranc@StLouisCountyMN.gov. Please also reach out to Courtney with any questions on this session. Meeting Details: Thursday, July 14th from 9am to 10:30am via Microsoft Teams
Sample MOU from HUD
This template for MOUs from the HUD Minneapolis Field Office can be used for Healthcare, Housing Leverage, and PHA partnership documentation required throughout the FY2022 & Special NOFO. 
SLC CoC Ranking & Review Policy (Published 2021)
This is the policy that governs the SLC CoC local grant process and includes information on project scoring, ranking, and reallocation. 
Timeline for the FY2022 NOFO

2021 NOFA Information

 TitleDownloadCreated Date
2021 Local COC NOFA Funding Priorities
Q&A Session on 2021 CoC NOFO
Additional Files:
Public Notice: FY2021 NOFO Call for Projects
Public Notice: 2021 CoC NOFA Letters of Intent
Permanent Supportive Housing Application Score Tool (Final)
NOFA Renewal Project Letter of Intent Template 2021
NOFA New/Bonus Project Letter of Intent Template 2021
May 10, 2021 NOFA Public meeting notice - meeting details
Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) FY2021
Final FY2021 Project Ranking
FINAL FY2021 NOFO Collaborative Application
FINAL 2021 Ranking & Review Policy
Final 2021 CoC Supplemental Application
DRAFT FY2021 NOFO Collaborative Application
Draft FY 2021 Project Ranking
The attached project ranking list is currently in draft form pending any appeals and final review and approval by the SLC CoC Governance Committee, Heading hoem Advisory Committee, on 10/21/2021. 
Narrative & Justification:
For the FY2021 CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), HUD is allowing CoCs to put 100 percent of Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) into Tier I in the Ranking & review Process. This means that we do not need to make any cuts to our renewal projects for FY 2021. Considering this, no reordering of the FY2021 Project Ranking occurred. The order of this project ranking is based on systems performance measures and scores affiliated with question in the SLC CoC (MN-509) Supplemental Application. All scores were reviewed and approved by the Ranking & Review Committee.
After renewal housing projects were ranked, the CoC’s HMIS Grant and SSO-Coordinated Entry grant were placed in Tier One. This action is based on CoC policy objectives to ensure a functioning Coordinated Entry System and a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Bonus project applications were included in ranking and placed at the bottom of Tier Two or below all renewal projects in the project ranking. This is based on the CoC Ranking & Review policy to prioritize renewal projects.
SLC CoC recently adopted a reallocation policy (as a part of our ranking & review policy), which allows the Ranking & Review committee to reallocate a portion of or all a project’s funding to new project. Projects with a history of low performance or returned funds are subject to review for reallocation during every NOFO cycle. No projects were recommended for reallocation by the Ranking & Review Committee this year. Projects with a history of low funds and/low performance are encouraged to review this policy and discuss further with the CoC Coordinator.
SLC CoC’s local priorities of racial equity, housing first, and culturally responsive programming were all factored into scoring this year. These priorities are consistent with HUD’s FY2021 priorities as well. Additionally, SLC CoC adopted the HUD priority of trauma-informed policies and procedures surrounding domestic violence. SLC CoC will continue to offer support on improving these components of our local housing programs. Please see below for how to file a formal appeal with the CoC. Outside of appeals, please feel free to reach out to the CoC Coordinator for support related to improvement of policies and systems performance measures for your project(s).
Appeals process:
Although a local appeals process is not required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this CoC offers a local appeals process. Applicants that can appeal include those applications that: a) are unranked, b) dispute scoring, c) dispute ranking, or d) disagree with the Ranking and Review Committee’s decision to reallocate some or all their funding. Projects wishing to appeal must submit the appeal in writing using the St. Louis CoC Appeals form, found at the end of the attached Ranking & Review Policy. A signed Appeals Form and any relevant evidence must be submitted for each project being appealed. Email Appeals form to CoCHomelessPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.gov  by 10/15/2021 at the latest. The Appeals Committee reviews appeals and extends an invitation to a brief in-person session, as needed. All agencies filing an appeal must be prepared to rapidly respond to requests from the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee will inform appealing agencies of its decision 10/20/2021.
DRAFT 2021 Ranking & Review Policy
DRAFT 2021 NOFA Supplemental Application
Please note, these materials are still subject to some adjustment to match the 2021 HUD CoC NOFA as needed once it is published as well as any final adjustments made by the CoC Planning & Evaluation Committee and CoC Governance Body—Heading Home Advisory Council.
Additional Files:
Domestic Violence Bonus Project Additional Score Tool
2021 NOFA Timeline
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2020 NOFA Information

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Minnesota-2020-Funding-Report (Microsoft Excel File)