Housing Support, formerly known as Group Residential Housing (GRH), is a state-funded income supplement to help older adults and people with disabilities who have low incomes pay for their housing expenses. In order to prevent and/or reduce homelessness or institutionalization and promote housing stability, Housing Support provides financial support for rent, utilities, household needs, food, and services for eligible individuals.
A person is eligible to receive Housing Support room/board if they:
- are age 18 or older with a certified disability or disabling condition or are age 65 or older
- have low income and low assets
- reside in a setting authorized by the county or tribe with a Housing Support Agreement
To qualify to receive Housing Support supplemental services, a person must also require assistance in two of the following four areas:
- Tenancy supports (Example: maintaining tenant responsibilities, conflict negotiation, etc.)
- Supportive services (example: budgeting, cooking, cleaning, hygiene, monitoring of overall well-being, etc.)
- Employment supports (Example: find and maintain job)
- Health supervision services (Example: Ensuring medication accessibility, assistance with scheduling appointments, etc.)
The Housing Support provider does not need to be the one providing these services, rather the provider assists residents to get their needs met- sometimes providing services and other times referring and coordinating care for individuals.
If your complaint is concerning Housing Support services:
Individuals are encouraged to first bring complaints or areas of concern directly to the provider as soon as possible. Individuals may also report concerns to the PHHS Housing Support Programs Team (HSPT) via Housing Support Complaint Form, email (HousingSupportPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.Gov ), or telephone (218-726-2120).
If the individual(s) does not feel comfortable bringing the concern to the attention of the provider, they may notify the HSPT. The HSPT:
- may re-direct the individual back to the provider to resolve the issue at the lowest level and follow the program’s grievance policy and procedures.
- may look into the complaint and initiate a meeting with the Provider and individual with the complaint in attempts to come to a resolution.
If this is concerning tenant/landlord rights, please contact:
Justice North: 877-696-6529
HOME Line: 866-866-3546
Tenant Landlord Connection: 218-727-5372
If you are concerned about a safety issue, please contact:
988 (for Emotional or Mental Health Support)
MN Adult Abuse Reporting Center: 1-844-880-1574
MN Day One Crisis Line (domestic violence, trafficking, or sexual violence): 1-866-223-1111
Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault (PAVSA): 218-726-1931
If you are concerned about the condition of the unit/facility, please contact:
Life Safety (City of Duluth): 218-730-4380
Virginia (property complaints): 218-748-7500
MDH: 1-800-383-9808