Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093
St. Louis County Continuum of Care (CoC) and Housing and Homelessness Programs Team host a variety of trainings each year for supportive housing providers and beyond. Below are recordings of some of those trainings; additional recordings will be added as available.
The Minnesota Statewide Training Planning Workgroup (comprised of state agency staff, Continuum of Care (CoC) leads, and nonprofit partners from across the state) was formed in 2019 to help identify resources and strategies to better meet the training needs of shelter and housing providers across the state. This page will be built out to include a variety of training topics- including Mental Health, Cultural Awareness, De-Escalation, Ethics, Harm Reduction and many more- click the button below to see a full list of trainings:
Laura Birnbaum