St. Louis County office buildings will be closed Monday, January 20, in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday

Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


Subdividing Property


Looking to Divide Your Property

Nearly all land divisions in Minnesota are regulated by local authorities. St. Louis County Ordinance 60 [file not found:] regulates the subdivision of land outside of municipalities (cities). If you are unsure as to who administers the zoning for your property, consult the Administration of Zoning Map under the related topics on the right side of the page.

An improperly created parcel split or lot can result in the inability to obtain land use permits for structures on new and remnant parcels. A helpful fact sheet with more information called Creating or Spitting Parcels, is located on right side of the page.

Developers who wish to subdivide property will need to work with the St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department to create a subdivision plat. Click on the links below for the application forms that will need to be completed throughout this process. The Citizen Portal is now available to the public. Apply for your preliminary plat online.

If you are searching for a particular subdivision plat, half-section map or Certificate of Survey click the links in the right side pane: