St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, February 17th, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. 

Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


Boards & Committees


911 User Board

The 911 User Board assists the St. Louis County Board of Commissioners and the Director of 911 Communications in coordination of the operation of the St. Louis County 911 Emergency Communications System as it relates to providing services to the public and to public safety user agencies.

Employees of the St. Louis County Communications Department do not serve as members of the User Board.

The 911 User Board is made up of eighteen (18) members and is responsible for providing representation of all major public safety agencies and types using the St. Louis County 911 Emergency Communications System.

View Board Members

Lake Superior Violent Offender Task Force (LSVOTF)

The Lake Superior Violent Offender Task Force (LSVOTF) is a large multiagency and cooperative effort that serves all of Northeast Minnesota and Northwest Wisconsin.  The LSVOTF consists of members from the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office; the Duluth, Hibbing, Virginia and Superior Police Departments; Bureau of Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), MN National Guard Counter Drug Task Force and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

The task force focuses on investigating violent crime within the members’ respective jurisdictions, seizing illegal firearms, fugitive apprehension and comprehensive enforcement of  controlled substance laws.  Funding for the LSVOTF is primarily through a Violent Crime Enforcement Team (VCET) grant from the State of Minnesota, Office of Justice Programs, a Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Anti-Heroin grant and a Federal High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) grant.     

View Board Members


911 User Board

LSVOTF - North
Hibbing Sheriff's Office

LSVOTF - South
Lt. Chad Nagorski
Duluth Police Department

All contacts

Agendas & Minutes

Lake Superior Violent Offender Task Force (formerly Lake Superior Drug and Violent Crimes Task Force) agendas are compiled by the Supervising Deputy and distributed at each meeting to the Advisory Board members.

For your convenience, we present the latest agendas and minutes related to our department committees. 

Search Sheriff Office Agendas and Minutes