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Permits, Public Info & Data Requests



The St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office accepts applications for Minnesota Permit to Carry at your local sheriff's office.

The public window at the Public Safety Building will be be closed on the following dates and times; permit applications can be turned in at the Sheriff's Office at the Duluth Courthouse.


Monday, March 10, 2025 - Closed to permit applications all day

Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 12:00PM to 2:30PM

Monday, March 17, 2025 - Closed to permit applications all day

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - Closed to permit applications all day

Thursday, March 20, 2025 from 3:30PM to 4:30PM

Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 10:00AM to 1:00PM


Permits to carry applications will only be accepted in person. Any permits to carry received via mail or courier will be returned to the applicant without being processed.

If submitting a Permit to Purchase/Permit to Acquire application, you can submit via mail, email or fax, but please remember to include a clear copy of your driver's license. Permits to Purchase may also be submitted in person as an additional option.


Permit to Carry


Permit to Purchase



Any incomplete application or an application in conflict with the provided instructions will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant.


Additional information on the permit process


Other permits, services and records

For your convenience, we present the latest permits, services and records from our central document library. You can search and find the latest information, forms and documents needed from our department.

Check "Include archived items" for all relevant documents from years past:


Search permits, services and records

St. Louis County Sheriff's Office provides expertise in helping the public with permits, services and records. some of the types of these items include:


Buoy and Raft Permits

The Boat and Water Safety Division is responsible for the promotion and enforcement of watercraft safety regulations, marking navigational hazards and ensuring the safe condition of rental watercraft.

Their role is to: 

  • Enhance safety on the waterways of St. Louis County
  • Respond to water emergencies
  • Abide by Minnesota Statute 86B1.5
  • Promote boat and water safety and enforcement
  • Buoy designated waterways
  • Train and equip personnel for water search and rescue

The Boat and Water Safety Division has two purposes: buoying and boat and water enforcement, including training and accident response.

  • Buoying:  St. Louis County hires a private contractor for buoying services on Lake Vermilion, Burntside Lake, and Shagawa for hazard/channel markings to improve watercraft navigation and safety. Currently 290 buoys are placed in these designated lakes as a service to area boaters.  Learn more about Buoy permits.
  • Boat & Water Enforcement, Training and Accident Response:  The St. Louis County Sheriff, under MN Rules Chapter 86B.105, is the primary law enforcement agency responsible for search, rescue, patrol and inspection of watercraft on the lakes, streams and rivers in St. Louis County.  Deputies and Rescue Squad personnel participate in search and recovery of drowning victims.  Deputies participate in watercraft enforcement patrols throughout the county on grant-paid overtime projects. 
  • Water Related Accidents: If someone has a water related accident or drowns, it must be reported to the Sheriff.  This is covered by MN Rules Chapter 86B.105 and 6110.1900.
  • Lifejackets: Every person on board a watercraft or duck boat shall wear or have ready access to a U.S. Coast Guard approved Type I, II, or III personal flotation device.  This is covered by Chapter 6110.1200 Sub. 3.
  • Swimming Areas: The owner or lessee of shoreline property may define a swimming area adjacent to the property for personal use.  This is covered by Chapter 6110.1600.  Learn more about Swim Raft permits.
  • Water Events: A permit is needed whenever an event occurs on, in or upon the water. This would include events such as ice fishing contests, snowmobile races on the ice, summer fishing contests, triathlon races, etc. Learn more about Water Event permits.
  • How Much Do Water Permits Cost: Water Event and Buoy/Swim Raft permits are $30 per permit.  Please make checks payable to St. Louis County Sheriff's Office. For a complete list of our other fees, click here for our Fee Schedule.

Fire Burning Permits

Fire Burning Permits
A burning permit grants the individual holder the right to burn small amounts of dry leaves, plant clippings, brush, and clean untreated-unpainted wood as long as weather conditions do not pose a fire hazard.

Minnesota DNR Burning Permit Information

Event Permits

Event Permits
A Water Event Permit is required by Minnesota State Statute Chapter 86B.121 and is needed whenever an event occurs on, in or upon the water.

Accident and Incident Reports

Most incidents involving the attention of a St. Louis County Deputy will be documented on an Incident Report form. The status of the case determines what information, if any, is releasable to the public or to involved parties. Most Incident Reports are public information unless: it is an active investigation, court action is still pending, juveniles are involved, or information is classified as confidential or private. To inquire about an accident or incident report, you may email the ​Duluth Records Division.


In emergency or to file a report, call 911. If you are outside of St. Louis County and need to report an emergency, call 218-625-3581.

Duluth Records Office

Hibbing Records Office

Virginia Records Office