Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


St. Louis County provides GIS web mapping apps to users to search and explore accurate, up-to-date data (parcels, ownership, crime, tax forfeit land sales, road construction) in a map environment. Listed below are a few ways a person can access this rich and vast data.

County Land Explorer


County Land Explorer

County Land Explorer Themes

Help - County Land Explorer

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Mobile Land Atlas - iOS & Android


Adopt A Highway - Adopt a highway segment, schedule and report clean-ups, or view available/unavailable highway segments.

County Service Locations  - View photos of county service locations in association with locations on an interactive map.

County Board Meeting Locations  - View photos of buildings where board meetings will take place and the associated locations on an interactive map.

Survey Explorer - Search for St. Louis County PLSS Corners, Control Points, and Corner Certificates.

Open Data Portal - Access web map applications, geospatial data, and other GIS related resources.