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Assessments wrapping up for people affected by June flooding; deadline looms to report damage

Assessments wrapping up for people affected by June flooding; deadline looms to report damage

It's been six weeks since heavy rains led to significant flooding in parts of St. Louis County. In that time, St. Louis County assessors have visited 716 private properties where damage had been reported and inspected a total of 1,973 structures. With their work on the damage assessment process winding down, the Assessors Department has some important reminders for citizens who sustained damage resulting from the June flooding. Anyone who has not yet reported damage, must contact the Assessors Department by Friday, Aug. 2, in order for it to be inspected. The Assessors Department can be reached at 218-726-2304
Wednesday, July 31, 2024/Number of views (0)
ATV accident leaves one dead, one injured in Balkan Township

ATV accident leaves one dead, one injured in Balkan Township

A side-by-side ATV rollover accident Saturday has left a Hibbing man dead and a Chisholm man injured. 
Monday, July 29, 2024/Number of views (0)
St. Louis County receives nearly $35 million for Rice Lake Road corridor project

St. Louis County receives nearly $35 million for Rice Lake Road corridor project

The Rice Lake Road corridor project, which has been in the planning stage for a decade, will be moving forward thanks to significant funding from the federal and state governments. Leaders from St. Louis County, the City of Rice Lake and others gathered Thursday to announce the news.

Friday, July 26, 2024/Number of views (0)
National Night Out is Aug. 6

National Night Out is Aug. 6

The St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office and Cotton Township are coming together to host a National Night Out event. Activities will be held at the Cotton Community Center, 9087 Highway 53 in Cotton, on Tuesday August 6, from 4:30-8 p.m. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this free, family-friendly event. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024/Number of views (0)
ATV accident injures one in Morse Township

ATV accident injures one in Morse Township

A 19-year-old man was airlifted to a Duluth hospital following an ATV accident in Morse Township. The cause of the accident remains under investigation.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024/Number of views (0)
