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Spring road restrictions to be lifted for portion of St. Louis County roads

Spring road restrictions to be lifted for portion of St. Louis County roads

Spring load restrictions will be removed on the small portion of St. Louis County roads that fall within the state's North Central Zone beginning Friday, April 12, at 12:01 a.m. The North-Central Zone includes the area south of US Highway 2 and west of State Highway 33. Some County roads in the North Central Zone may remain posted. More information, including County maps detailing restrictions, can be found online at
Load restrictions will remain in place for highways located in the North Zone, which includes the majority of St. Louis County.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024/Number of views (0)
Public Health & Human Services releases 2023 Community Impact Report

Public Health & Human Services releases 2023 Community Impact Report

St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services has released its 2023 Community Impact Report, and for the first time, the annual summary of services is designed in an interactive online format. Public Health and Human Services consists of five divisions, and the Community Impact Report provides a snapshot of the services provided by each, including Public Health, Children and Family Services, Economic Serivces and Supports, Home and Community Based Services, and Behavioral Health.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024/Number of views (0)
Emergency Management updates on wildfire risk, plans

Emergency Management updates on wildfire risk, plans

St. Louis County Sheriff's Emergency Management, US Forest Service, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, National Weather Service - Duluth, and the cities of Ely and Duluth held a news conference on April 3, 2024 to discuss wildfire risk. St. Louis County unveiled a new online mapping tool that breaks the county into 1,600 evacuation zones, enabling residents to view the fire risk level specific to their community or neighborhood. The map follows the Ready, Set, Go model so people can prepare and - if necessary - evacuate. The map can be accessed at
Thursday, April 4, 2024/Number of views (0)
St. Louis County Board presents Public Health Achievement Awards

St. Louis County Board presents Public Health Achievement Awards

On Tuesday, the St. Louis County Board recognized two groups and two individuals for their work to improve health in our region. Honorees this year include Divine Konnections Inc., Teri Morrison, the Youth Mental Health Day Committee, and Mallory Cummings. 
Wednesday, April 3, 2024/Number of views (0)
St. Louis County to host news conference to discuss wildfire risk, safety reminders, and preparation/response plans

St. Louis County to host news conference to discuss wildfire risk, safety reminders, and preparation/response plans

The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office will be hosting a news conference Wednesday, April 3, at 1:30 p.m. at the Public Safety Building in Duluth, 2030 Arlington Avenue. The focus will be the ongoing wildfire risk, how multiple agencies are working together to prepare, how the public can help reduce the risk, and a new online mapping tool where people can monitor - by community and neighborhood - their risk level and how to prepare if evacuation is needed. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024/Number of views (0)
