Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093
On February 15, 2025 at approximately 1259 hours, area first responders and law enforcement were dispatched to the report of a snowmobile accident on the Arrowhead trail located north of Orr, Minnesota.
The St. Louis County Recorder has expanded the services it offers from its Hibbing office. The office now can accept real estate documents for recording and answer questions, as well as help customers locate recorded documents. Other new services include accepting notary commissions, wedding officiant documents and military discharges for recording. This is in addition to the birth and death certificates and marriage licenses, which the office has always handled.
St. Louis County Public Health is seeking nominations from the public to recognize individuals or groups who have made significant effort to improve the health of residents or communities in St. Louis County. The Public Health Achievement Awards will be presented during the St. Louis County Board meeting on Tuesday, April 8.
In 2020, St. Louis County completed a significant investment to serve residents in the Virginia area, replacing the deteriorating Northland Office Building with the new Government Services Center-Virginia. Due to the pandemic, the County never held a ribbon cutting to celebrate this $20+ million facility.
St Louis County leaders took time during Tuesday's County Board meeting to celebrate the good work accomplished through the successful investment of the $54.5 million the county received in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. County Administrator Kevin Gray gave a presentation to the Board thanking them for their leadership in establishing a priority framework and for identifying needs in their districts that could be served with these funds.